Migrating from Zenoh v0.5.x Rust API to Zenoh v0.6.x Rust API

In zenoh version 0.6.0, zenoh and zenoh-net APIs have been merged into a single API.

General considerations about the new Rust v0.6.x zenoh API


Most of the operations of the new API return builder structs that implement the Resolvable, SyncResolve and AsyncResolve traits. A res function needs to be called on those builders to obtain the final result of the operation. When using Rust sync, the SyncResolve trait needs to be used and the res function directly returns the final result. When using Rust async/await, AsyncResolve trait needs to be used and the res function returns a Future.

zenoh v0.6.x sync

use zenoh::prelude::sync::*;
let session = zenoh::open(config).res().unwrap();

zenoh v0.6.x async

use zenoh::prelude::r#async::*;
let session = zenoh::open(config).res().await.unwrap();

Migrating from Rust v0.5.x zenoh API to Rust v0.6.x zenoh API

Session establishment

The zenoh session is now obtained through a zenoh::open() function.

zenoh v0.5.x

let zenoh = Zenoh::new(config).await.unwrap();

zenoh v0.6.x

let session = zenoh::open(config).res().await.unwrap();

Workspace removed

The workspace has been removed. All operations are now directly accessible from the zenoh session itself.

zenoh v0.5.x

let zenoh = Zenoh::new(config.into()).await.unwrap();
let workspace = zenoh.workspace(None).await.unwrap();
workspace.put(&key_expr, value).await.unwrap();

zenoh v0.6.x

let session = zenoh::open(config).res().await.unwrap();
session.put(&key_expr, value).res().await.unwrap();

Path and PathExpr to KeyExpr

Types Path and PathExpr have been replaced by a single type KeyExpr.


The subscribe operation has been replaced by a declare_subscriber operation. It now accepts any type that implements TryInto<KeyExpr> as parameter.

Note: declare_subscriber by default returns a Handler that derefs to a flume::Receiver<Sample>. Samples can be accessed through flume recv and recv_async operations. It is possible to access samples through a callback by calling the callback function on the subscriber builder.

zenoh v0.5.x

let mut change_stream = workspace.subscribe(&"/key/expression".try_into().unwrap()).await.unwrap();
while let Some(change) = change_stream.next().await {
    println!("Received {:?} {} : {:?}", change.kind, change.path, change.value);

zenoh v0.6.x

let subscriber = session.declare_subscriber("key/expression").res().await.unwrap();
while let Ok(sample) = subscriber.recv_async().await {
    println!("Received {} {} : {}", sample.kind, sample.key_expr, sample.value);


The put operation now accepts any type that implements TryInto<KeyExpr> as first parameter and any type that implements Into<Value> as second parameter.

zenoh v0.5.x


zenoh v0.6.x

session.put("key/expression", "value").res().await.unwrap();

If needed the encoding or other options can be refined through a builder pattern.

zenoh v0.6.x

    .put("key/expression", "value")


The get operation now accepts any type that implements TryInto<Selector> as first parameter. It now returns some Reply instead of a some Data.

Note: get by default returns a flume::Receiver<Reply>. Replies can be accessed through flume recv and recv_async operations. It is possible to access replies through a callback by calling the callback function on the get builder.

zenoh v0.5.x

let mut data_stream = workspace.get(&"/key/expression/**".try_into().unwrap()).await.unwrap();
while let Some(data) = data_stream.next().await {
    println!("Received {} : {:?}", data.path, data.value)

zenoh v0.6.x

let replies = session.get("key/expression").res().await.unwrap();
while let Ok(reply) = replies.recv_async().await {
    match reply.sample {
        Ok(sample) => println!( ">> Received {}: {}", sample.key_expr, sample.value),
        Err(err) => println!(">> Received ERROR: {}", err),


The register_eval operation has been replaced by a declare_queryable operation. It now accepts any type that implements TryInto<KeyExpr> as parameter. The reply_async operation has been replaced by a relpy operation that now accepts a Result<Sample> as parameter.

Note: declare_queryable by default returns a Handler that derefs to a flume::Receiver<Query>. Queries can be accessed through flume recv and recv_async operations. It is possible to access queries through a callback by calling the callback function on the queryable builder.

zenoh v0.5.x

let mut get_stream = workspace.register_eval(&"/key/expression".try_into().unwrap()).await.unwrap();
while let Some(get_request) = get_stream.next().await {
   get_request.reply_async("/demo/example/eval".try_into().unwrap(), "value".into()).await;

zenoh v0.6.x

let queryable = session.declare_queryable("key/expression").res().await.unwrap();
while let Ok(query) = queryable.recv_async().await {
    query.reply(Ok(Sample::new(query.key_expr().clone(), "value"))).res().await.unwrap();


More examples are available there :

zenoh v0.5.0-beta9

zenoh v0.6.0

Migrating from Rust v0.5.x zenoh-net API to Rust v0.6.x zenoh API

zenoh::net module removal

All types and operations from the zenoh::net module have been moved to the zenoh module.

zenoh-net v0.5.x

let session = zenoh::net::open(config).await.unwrap();

zenoh v0.6.x

let session = zenoh::open(config).res().await.unwrap();


The declare_subscriber now accepts any type that implements TryInto<KeyExpr> as parameter. It now only takes one parameter. Subscription configuration is performed with the help of a builder pattern.

Note: declare_subscriber by default returns a Handler that derefs to a flume::Receiver<Sample>. Samples can be accessed through flume recv and recv_async operations. It is possible to access samples through a callback by calling the callback function on the subscriber builder.

zenoh-net v0.5.x

let sub_info = SubInfo {
    reliability: Reliability::Reliable,
    mode: SubMode::Push,
    period: None
let mut subscriber = session.declare_subscriber(&"/key/expression".into(), &sub_info).await.unwrap();
while let Some(sample) = subscriber.receiver().next().await {
    println!("Received : {:?}", sample);

zenoh v0.6.x

let subscriber = session
while let Ok(sample) = subscriber.recv_async().await {
    println!("Received : {:?}", sample);
# })

Subscribing with callback

The declare_callback_subscriber operation has been removed. A CallbackSubscriber can now be declared by using declare_subscriber and calling the callback function on the returned builder.

zenoh-net v0.5.x

let sub_info = SubInfo {
    reliability: Reliability::Reliable,
    mode: SubMode::Push,
    period: None
let subscriber = session
    .declare_callback_subscriber(&"/key/expression".into(), &sub_info, |sample| {
        println!("Received : {:?}", sample);

zenoh v0.6.x

let subscriber = session
    .callback(|sample| {
        println!("Received : {:?}", sample);
# })


The write operation has been replaced by a put operation. It now accepts any type that implements TryInto<KeyExpr> as first parameter and any type that implements Into<Value> as second parameter.

zenoh-net v0.5.x

session.write(&"/key/expression".into(), "value".as_bytes().into()).await.unwrap();

zenoh v0.6.x

session.put("key/expression", "value").res().await.unwrap();

The write_ext operation has been removed. Configuration is now performed with the help of a builder pattern.

zenoh-net v0.5.x


zenoh v0.6.x

    .put("key/expression", "value")

The declare_publisher now accepts any type that implements TryInto<KeyExpr> as parameter. It now has a put operation that only takes any type that implements Into<Value> as parameter, a delete operation that takes no parameter and a write operation that takes both a SampleKind as first paramerter and any type that implements Into<Value> as second parameter.

zenoh-net v0.5.x

let publisher = session.declare_publisher(&"/key/expression".into()).await.unwrap();
session.write(&"/key/expression".into(), "value".as_bytes().into()).await.unwrap();

zenoh v0.6.x

let publisher = session.declare_publisher("key/expression").res().await.unwrap();


The query operation has been replaced by a get operation. It now accepts any type that implements TryInto<Selector> as single parameter instead of a key expression and a predicate. Finer configuration is performed with the help of a builder pattern.

Note: get by default returns a flume::Receiver<Reply>. Replies can be accessed through flume recv and recv_async operations. It is possible to access replies through a callback by calling the callback function on the get builder.

zenoh-net v0.5.x

let mut replies = session.query(
while let Some(reply) = replies.next().await {
    println!(">> Received {:?}", reply.data);

zenoh v0.6.x

let mut replies = session
while let Ok(reply) = replies.recv_async().await {
    match reply.sample {
        Ok(sample) => println!( ">> Received {}", sample.value),
        Err(err) => println!(">> Received ERROR: {}", err),


The declare_queryable operation now accepts any type that implements TryInto<KeyExpr> as first parameter. It takes a single parameter. Finer configuration is perfromed with the help of a builder pattern. The reply_async operation has been replaced by a relpy operation that now accepts a Result<Sample> as parameter.

Note: declare_queryable by default returns a Handler that derefs to a flume::Receiver<Query>. Queries can be accessed through flume recv and recv_async operations. It is possible to access queries through a callback by calling the callback function on the queryable builder.

zenoh-net v0.5.x

let mut queryable = session.declare_queryable(&"/key/expression".into(), EVAL).await.unwrap();
while let Some(query) = queryable.receiver().next().await {
        res_name: "/key/expression".to_string(),
        payload: "value".as_bytes().into(),
        data_info: None,

zenoh v0.6.x

let queryable = session.declare_queryable("key/expression").res().await.unwrap();
while let Ok(query) = queryable.recv_async().await {
    query.reply(Ok(Sample::new(query.key_expr().clone(), "value"))).res().await.unwrap();


More examples are available there :

zenoh-net v0.5.0-beta9

zenoh v0.6.0